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Dive In

How to Book




1) 24hour online booking, hit the "BOOK NOW" button 

2) Select your "approximate" tattoo size 

3) Choose your Date

4) After your date is chosen, you will be prompted to fill in the tattoo consultation form.





A notification will be sent regarding your tattoo bookings and details to your tattoo artist.  If Heather has any questions regarding the design she will contact you prior to your appointment.


Please note: Heather does not currently have a secretary. Please be patient for a response as she can not answer the studio phone when she is tattooing. As outlined on the homepage, the best way to contact Heather is via consultation form. Heather thanks you for your patience. She very much values you as a client as well as looks forward to giving you an amazing tattoo. 

For any requested times not listed please email 







The price of a tattoo is calculated two different ways.  Smaller tattoos are charged on a per piece bases. Larger tattoos are charged based on a hourly rate.  

The more detail, intricacy and number of  elements you incorporate in your design will determine the time to complete the tattoo

If you are on a budget consider a tattoo designed thats large and simple.  A second option when on a budget is to design a tattoo that can be done in sections so the cost is split up over time.

Large tattoos (approximately 5hours+) charged the industry standard rate $150/hour..


Booking Sleeves and Multiple Sessions



Heather quite prefers appointments 2 or 3 days in a row on the same large piece. She feels she can continue on from where you left off immediately when you return for the day. Your artist will be sure too avoid rubbing or tattooing on top of the previously tattooed session.

Heather also has numbing spray available for the previous session, at client request. 


If booking a large piece 2-3 days back to back (or very close) is not an option, your tattoo instead should be scheduled in 1 WEEK - 2 WEEK intervals. This way you are not in the middle of the healing process when getting worked on again.. Continuing the tattoo beside the fresh tattoo, while it is in the middle of the healing process (once its flaking in chunks) , can result in agitating your healing tattoo, or possibly rubbing off your healing session. 


If you are getting a large piece done (e.g.. a sleeve) and would like specific appointment days, we recommend booking multiple sessions in advance so you get first choice, before the days are gone.

A Letter from Heather....


 "I realize that the tattoo industry is currently flooded with artists, and every artist prefers to book/ schedule/ tattoo in different ways. It can leave a client confused. Even aimlessly walking from tattoo shop to tattoo shop searching for someone to help them and explain their process! :)

   That is why I have taken the time and devoted countless hours into building this website. My beautiful website is not only a great portfolio of my work, its also a deadly tool to help streamline the tattoo booking process for my clients, and future clients. 

  Using the booking tool on my website, will help you get in faster than waiting in line to chat with me. Currently it can be up to a weeks wait for a response via email. Therefore instead, I've set up the booking form so that you can simply book your tattoo without needing to speak to me prior. On the booking form on the "Book Now' page, you can easily describe your tattoo or your drawing that you would like while booking your tattoo date, and get me working on what I do best! Drawing and Tattooing your Dream Tattoo for you! :) 

 As I am currently a staff of one, I have an appointment only studio. My studio is quite busy with current clients and perspective clients-to-be. Therefore I do not allow clients "dropping in". All clients must make an appointment either through my "Book Now" page or through me personally.

 After you are booked you will receive a confirmation email. The day prior to your appointment you will receive a reminder email for your appointment as well as studio address instructions.

 All drawings are ready for your appointment day with extra time booked for any alterations needed as well as set up.

 I very much look forward to creating your dream tattoo with you! :)

  I know the booking process can be a scary commitment to you newbies! Therefore , my best advice, is look through the artists portfolio and if you LOVE their Style! You will LOVE your Tattoo!! 

  My Website will also introduce my future clients to the way I prefer to be booked, what to expect on your tattoo day, how to prepare for your tattoo day and your Aftercare!:)


  Thank you very much for taking the time to review my website and I very much look forward to seeing you in studio!"


-Heather Gellately

Owner/ Artist 

Platinum Tattoo

Kelowna &Vancouver

Bc, Canada














In-person consultations are always available as a option, but are preferably for tattoo pieces of  at least 3hours+


Smaller tattoos (3 hours or less) are usually much simpler and easy to describe, therefore they do not require an in-depth consultation. Sending your artist your information through the booking page at the time of your booking, will work just as perfectly for both large and small tattoos, and can give you the opportunity to book immediately for the dates you want.


If you book for a consultation appointment, please make sure you make your appointment time, or please make sure to give your artist proper notice if you need to cancel or reschedule.


Consultation appointments are available to be scheduled online Tuesdays only. Therefore, if the day you are wanting a consultation, is on a Tuesday, click here! :) Otherwise you can request one here. but Heather prefers to do all of her consultations same day to stream line the process. Weekends are for Tattooing Only. Heather makes herself available as late as 10pm on Tuesdays, so you are very welcome to book yourself a late spot ! :)


Please make sure to book on the appropriate day listed, otherwise you may be asked to reschedule for the appropriate day.


Please note:

Platinum Tattoo is an appointment only studio.

Heather is currently a staff of one.

She does not allow clients or future clients to "drop by" while she is working as this distracts her. The address listed online is a mailing address only. . Heather will personally send you the address to the studio or the place of consultation,

the day before your appointment and she can also at that time, answer any questions you may have! :)  



of Artist Heather Gellately's 

preferred Booking, Drawing and Tattoo process.

She holds 10years experience in the Tattoo industry.

She knows what process works best! 

Pushy, Rude and/or Disrespectful Clients,

or clients who consistently attempt to Monopolize Heather's time,

or clients with clear disregard for Heather's personal time

or the time of her other clients, 

will not be tattooed ,and their deposits will not be refunded.

So If you think this could be you? 

~Save us everyone the stress and

PLEASE go somewhere else~


"Art comes from the mind being in a state of well-being,

not a place of stress."


So Relax,

knowing that you are in

Experienced , Award winning Hands,

Trust in this process

and Enjoy your beautiful Custom Artwork! :)



In-Person Consultations

How too book
Large Tattoos
In-person Consultations

I look forward to your Booking!

-Heather Gellately
Owner / Artist: Platinum Tattoo

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