Hope for Humanity
EST 11.15.18
In Kelowna Bc, this upcoming Spring, the city will be closing the 2 largest homeless shelters in the area. Our charity : Hope for Humanity, has been founded by Artist Heather Gellately.
Hope for Humanity
Our charity goals include:
1) The ability to Give every client of the 60 shelter beds $2000 each, towards a safe place for them to live upon the shelter closing date in April 2019.
2)Funds will be given out after a careful and thorough screening of the residence and landlord.
3) All funds will be given for the perspective Tennant, to the landlord only.
Not every person in this country has equal opportunity, for a safe place of residence.
Hope for humanity would like to change that, one homeless person at a time.
This is our small charity with BIG DREAMS.
Please give now.
Even $5 will help our good cause. <3
"Ive been through some dark times in my life. Through everything I still maintain an attitude that people are basically good, everyone deserves equal opportunity and you can't ever put a price on good karma. Please give today.
Lets show everyone that there truly is Hope for Humanity. <3"
-Charity Founder
Heather Gellately