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What does a healthy healing tattoo, look like?

Writer: Artist BellaArtist Bella

Updated: Jun 1, 2022

Written by tattoo artist

Here is an article that I found extremely accurate in breaking down the healing stages of a new tattoo. Authority Tattoo is a website which posts an abundance of accurate information , covering all areas of tattooing and body piercing.

Please make sure to give it a read.

The Healing Stages of a Tattoo : written by Authority Tattoo


It is a great article which breaks down the healing steps and what to expect. Everything is very accurate, (Except the lotion that they are telling you to use, as your instructions will list , for you to purchase Lubriderm Unscented lotion only)


**At your tattoo appointment, when your tattoo session is completed, I will go over in detail how to best take care of your tattoo.

———Each artist uses different needles, ink, works skin in different ways etc. Therefore Each Professional tattoo artist knows the steps to follow to BEST heal their style of tattoo. ——

*****Always listen to your artist when taking care of your tattoo and no one else.**

As instructed by your tattooist Bella , you will be using Lubriderm unscented, nothing else). And you should be using unscented liquid antibacterial soap to wash it daily.

*Note: If you have a really hard time finding “Unscented” Liquid antibacterial soap (as it may involve reading the back of every liquid antibacterial soap at the Local Drugstore) you can use a gentle soap such as Dove or Ivory soap, as an alternative. make sure to buy a soap holder and make sure the soap bar is Extremely clean before each tattoo washing).

Please take a look at the article above, read what they’ve written, take a good look at the pictures of healing tattoos. The article should definitely put your mind at ease.

But if not, as someone who has about 50% of their Body covered , there are a few key points that I can tell you about healing a tattoo...

#1) While your tattoo is healing, your tattoo is going to go through different healing stages. It’s going to raise up and chunks of skin are going to gently shed off. After that, It will also peel again lightly.…Therefore, ….your tattoo will look all kinds of UGLY ...before it looks Amazing! 😉 Focus on the Amazing.🤗 It will come. Have faith. 💥🙌🏻

#2) As a professional tattoo artist and tattoo collecter, id estimate that I now have at least HALF of my body covered, all in the highest quality professional tattoo ink. All of my tattoos are done from some of the professional tattoo industrys Best tattoo artists! 💥🙌🏻 So from someone who personally has a TON of ink, id like to let you know that, Each tattoo on my body has looked different while going through the healing stages. Because each tattoo looks so different, it’s almost impossible to compare with your friends while healing…so just don’t bother. Lol

#3) Another important statement that I’d like to share with you is that, Some of my tattoos that looked the worst while healing, look, the BEST now 🙂💥💯

That’s why it’s so important to follow your instructions given to you by your professional tattoo artist.


Hey! It looks like I have a Rash?

even though the after care products we suggest , Rarely cause allergic reactions …it is possible

If you use either Lubriderm Unscented or Unscented Liquid Antibacterial Soap and a rash develops, or you develop Hives (weird looking little white bumps) , you are allergic to either the lotion or soap .

But hey… If that happens , not to worry, you’ll be just fine. 👍Simply contact me .And I will recommend a proper alternative. 😊

Allergies to Lubriderm unscented lotion or liquid unscented antibacterial soap are rare, but possible. I personally have only had one client in the past decade who developed signs of an allergic reaction. That’s one client out of Thousands of people.

In fact, allergic reactions are so rare, that it’s another reason Lubriderm lotion is so widely recommended amongst the professional tattoo artists, across the North American tattoo community.

What does a Healthy Healing tattoo look like? The little tattooist blog. Written by Canadian tattooist Bella in Platinum Tattoo KelownaBC Canada.

After your tattoo is completed, I will have gone over with you how to properly care for your new tattoo. Below are photos from the article or NORMAL healing stages of a tattoo. :)

No need to worry or stress. :)

All of these photos are from

If you read The above article , and still have any questions, as always, please feel free to contact me (Bella)

Anytime during studio hours of 11am-10pm and I will respond as soon as I am able

(When I am not tattooing) :)

Thanks for your reading and remember ….tattooing is a journey and each tattoo will heal differently than another and have faith in your artist and in your Diligent Tattoo care

Lots of love, Bella, Tattoo Artist, Platinum Tattoo

Canadian Award Winning Tattooist “Bella” Owner and Tattoo Artist of Platinum Tattoo, Kelowna BC Canada



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