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Stencilled tattoos vs Freehand tattoos

Writer: Artist BellaArtist Bella

Updated: May 8, 2021

By Canadian Tattoo Artist, Bella : Platinum Tattoo, Kelowna, Bc, Canada


So you've Finally gotten up your courage and booked that tattoo that you have been daydreaming about since 1999 ! ;) HaHa!

Well ok...well Now what... ?...


Stencilling vs Freehanding

Let's take a little look at the "behind the scenes" process , used by Professional Tattoo Artists!

There are several pros for both

Stencilling a tattoo design, as well as

Freehanding a tattoo design!

:) Let's discuss the difference.


What is a Tattoo Drawing / Tattoo Design ?

First, a Tattoo Drawing and Tattoo Design, is a finished drawing/design complete with shading. This may be a photograph or it may be a complete artistic rendering.

Photographs and shaded drawings can Not be used as tattoo stencils as they will smudge. Shaded drawings will have far too much stenciled ink. Every time your artist wipes away the excess ink from their tattoo machine during the tattooing process, the shaded drawing would smear stencil ink clear across your to be tattooed area and create a large blur of tattoo stencil ink.

Therefore, your Tattoo artist will prepare for you, what is called a tattoo stencil.


What is a Tattoo Stencil?.

When a tattoo drawing is set to be "Stencilled", the tattoo artist draws either a sketch , a partial drawing or a finished drawing, then reveals it to you for approval .

A "Tattoo Stencil" is basically a "map" for an artist to follow.

Personally, I was taught to mark out the different levels of shading throughout the peice , with dots.

Using dot work instead of solid lines, helps the artist match the shades in the image, without the lines of the stencil getting in the way .

:) Don’t let the strange and barely-there, line-and-dots "tattoo stencil" , of your Amazing realistic tattoo design, SCARE the HELL out of you …..

Because If you LOVE your artists tattoo portfolio and if you LOVE the size and shape of the artwork that they have drawn for you … you will also LOVE the tattoo which they complete on your skin . ;)

Take solace in the fact that, you have already taken the time to choose your tattoo artist wisely.

(Usually during the process of your tattoo, Half of the stencil will rub off anyway :)

That is what makes your "Tattoo Artist" an ARTIST” ;))

The tattoo stencil is necessary to properly stencil your tattoo.

Don’t worry boo, We got this.!! ;)

..........Promise! ;)


Sizing and Positioning your Tattoo

After your tattoo artist has prepared a line drawing (with dotted and solid lines) as a sort of “map” for you to view.

Together, at your tattoo appointment, you will size and discuss the position of your tattoo. Your artist may hold the design up to your body in a large full length mirror. You will discuss together , what size looks flattering to your body, what size your prefer, what angle to tilt the design etc.

Your tattoo artist may take a sterile surgical marker and circle around your drawing, when placed on your body at a perfect size and angle. This will help your artist lay the stencil in the correct spot.

They will clean your skin with alcohol, then while wearing Nitrile gloves, will cover your skin in a liquid used for stencil transfers. Next they will place your stenciled design on top of the transfer liquid, rub and BAM!! There’s your design!



Freehanding is when an artist draws your tattoo on your skin on the date of your appointment. Freehanding is a great tool to create a custom tattoo for you, which is able to flow perfectly on your body.

This “Freehanding" tattoo technique, custom fits the tattoo to your body, for form flattering results.

by Tattoo Artist , Bella : Platinum Tattoo



Don't be surprised if your artist whips out Sharpie Markers to draw on your skin. These markers work Excellent to "dye" your skin during the tattoo drawing process.

All markers used on a clients skin, must absolutely be always labelled as "non-toxic".

All “Sharpie” brand markers are labelled on the marker's cardboard packaging as non-toxic .


My Tattooing Process

Personally I like to use a mix of both techniques when creating the perfect tattoo for my client. I will stencil the main / most detailed part of the tattoo drawing, and then freehand in any background or foreground into the tattoo so the tattoo drawing flows well on my clients body.

Using a mix of both techniques , allows my client to both, view the tattoo drawing prior to tattooing, as well as to create a custom piece that flatters their body perfectly!


My Specialty

"I specialize in creating custom tattoos and tattoo artwork , that make women look feminine and flows with their curves , and men look more manly and appear more muscular.

I really believe that everyday I use my experience and skill to make my clients even more Beautiful then when they came into my studio.” - Bella

Thanx for reading ❤️

I look forward to seeing you in studio and creating your Dream Tattoo! :)

Much Love


Platinum Tattoo

Kelowna, Bc Canada

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